Newspaper Well Wishes Funny Employee Leaving

Here's how to send a farewell message to a coworker or boss who is leaving your company. Or how to send one when you are leaving the company. Depending on the nature of your connection with a coworker, bidding them farewell might be a difficult task. If a coworker decides to quit the firm, you may be in a position to say your goodbyes.

It might be due to retirement or the acceptance of a new employment offer. There are a variety of ways to say farewell to a coworker, regardless of the scenario.

a picture of business person and goodbye email to coworkers

Maintaining working connections is critical.

It's crucial to say goodbye to a coworker since it shows that you valued your time together and wish them well in the future. Saying farewell to a coworker who is leaving the firm to start a new position might help you keep a professional contact who can help you in your job hunt in the future.

Related: Best goodbye email to coworkers

Ways to say your goodbyes to coworkers

Here are some of the methods you can use to say farewell to your colleague:

1. Make use of a card.

A farewell card is a simple way to express your support for a coworker who is going on to the next stage of their career.

In a team or office situation, someone would often purchase a card on behalf of the whole company, and everyone will be able to put their farewell remark inside the card. This card usually expresses congratulations to the employee and best wishes for the future. A personal card also serves as a souvenir for your colleague to remember their time at the organization.

You can use the sample messages we provided above, but if you had a good connection with them, you might want to add something more personal.

2. Send an email.

Thank your coworker for their contributions to the company with an email sent before their last day on the job. If you wish to remain in touch with them for networking purposes, an email is another effective approach to get other contact information.

When an employee quits a firm, their manager or HR normally sends an email to the whole workplace notifying them of their leaving. You can just respond to the bulk email as your goodbye email. You may also start an email chain or send a direct message to the departing employee.

Related: Happy Sunday messages

3. Leave a present.

A present is sometimes given to a leaving colleague by an employer or coworker. A present is occasionally given to someone who has worked at a firm for a long time and has developed ties with their coworkers outside of work.

Your company could start a collection in which all employees can contribute money to a gift that will be given by the team. This present might be something that will assist an employee in their new work, something that they would like based on their hobbies and interests, or even a joke gift based on an inside joke or funny occasion.

4. Throw a get-together.

A farewell party, which can be held in the workplace or in a social setting outside of work, is another way to say goodbye to a coworker. You can either throw a surprise party for the coworker or ask for their input in planning the get-together. A farewell lunch, drinks, or another company outing can be used for the farewell party.

Related: Out of office messages

Farewell message to a boss who is leaving

Farewell messages to a boss who is leaving their job:

"I'll miss working with a colleague who is both entertaining and productive. Meetings will be tedious if you are not there. My buddy, I bid you farewell."

"Trying to meet the monthly goals and performance criteria without you is going to be difficult. I hope your new coworkers are as excited as we are about the abilities you'll bring to the table. Please stay in touch with me."

"You were nothing but helpful, encouraging, and supportive during your stay here. You're a great friend, and working with you was a fantastic experience. You have earned this new and exciting chapter of your career. Best of luck!"

"Your final day is one of the worst days of our professional lives. Your sense of humor, helpfulness, and inventiveness will one day make you a very successful person. We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate and exchange ideas with you. Do your best."

"The memories we had will be cherished forever. You were a true friend to everyone, as evidenced by your new fantastic pay. While it's difficult to say goodbye, we know you're destined for greater things. Good luck, and please keep in touch."

"As a last trick, we should tether you to the ground so that you never leave us. It was a real joy to deal with you. Goodbye!"

"We all hope the head hunter who found you for the new job would contact you and tell you to forget about it. It would be a shame to lose you since you are the finest troublemaker our team has ever had. Even though we're confident that your new amazing coworkers will send you back soon enough, we bid you goodbye!"

"Your departure from the organization is the finest thing that has happened in a long time. Finally, we'll all be able to stop giggling and get some work done. Don't irritate your new coworkers too much. Please stay in contact!"

"Working with a coworker who was so bad that he made us appear good in front of the boss was a lot of fun. You are a wonderful companion. You'll be missed!"

"I understand that your new high-paying job is a strong motivation, but we might attempt to keep you here by guaranteeing you free food and snacks. We'll miss you terribly. Farewell."

"Your new coworkers might not appreciate your jokes and wit as much as we do. Keep in mind the memories we shared. We wish you continued success in your future pursuits."

"Goodbye to the coworker who will undoubtedly be the "gossip bringer" in his future employment as well. Remember to maintain communication. Farewell!"

"You may obtain a great pay at your new job, but you'll never have as great coworkers as we have. We'd love for you to remain, but it's time to say goodbye!"

"Do you believe you will be able to meet your monthly goals and performance requirements without our help? Simply rip up your resignation letter and stay in touch with your excellent coworkers until we all retire together. Best wishes and goodbye!"

"Our misery of being irritated by your lousy jokes and irritating conversation has come to an end today. Regardless, we will miss seeing your irritating face every day. May you be sent back to us from your new employment. We say our goodbyes!"

"Having a real buddy as a coworker is even worse because no one else can carry off the same pranks as you. Mate, I'll miss you. Best wishes and goodbye."

"It'll be entertaining to see you scurry to meet your monthly goals and performance assessment objectives without my assistance. I'm hoping your new employer will send you back to us. Best wishes!"

Related: Congratulations on new job (messages)

Short goodbye message when leaving a company

Short goodbye messages for both yourself and coworkers:

"This was the best experience I've had. I will miss you all."

"This was such a great pleasure working with all of you. I will cherish this experience forever."

"This job opportunity is one that got me a number of valuable contributions that will take me through my entire career. I appreciate you."

"It's hard moving forward. Although, it is time. I will you all."

"I look forward to continuing to stay in touch as I go into my next position."

"It was an honor working with you. Best of luck on the next adventure."

Best farewell message when leaving a job

Best farewell messages to send:

"During your stay here, I've learnt a lot from you. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors, and I am confident that you will excel in your new role. Thank you for your time and consideration, and good luck!"

"I'm going to miss you terribly here. Best wishes for your new enterprise and the endless experiences ahead. We'll talk again shortly!"

"You've been a fantastic buddy at work in addition to being a coworker. It was fortunate for me that we were able to collaborate. Let's stay in touch all the time!"

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for you. We still can't believe you're going to leave us. Good luck in your endeavors, and please stay in touch."

"Your decision-making abilities have always motivated me to strive for your level of success. Sir, I bid you farewell and best wishes!"

"You have made enormous and extraordinary contributions to this organization. I hope you continue to perform excellent work in your upcoming position. It was a joy to collaborate with you."

"Being a manager may be difficult, but your work always made my job easier. Your contributions here will be greatly missed. Best of luck and best wishes for the future!"

"The monthly goals and results that you attained here were outstanding. You've raised the bar in this instance. We bid you farewell with a sorrowful heart!"

"Your encouragement and support were unwavering in both the good and bad situations. We'll just talk about the excellent times we had with you here. Best of luck in your future pursuits!"

"Thank you for making work a pleasant experience. Working with you has been a pleasure. Goodbye, and best of luck in your new position!"

"Nothing can compare to the information you shared with us and the learning you acquired. For us, you have been a great and amazing leader. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Your new coworkers will be fortunate to have you as a member of their team. May you be blessed with every success!"

"Having a colleague who is like you is a blessing. Today, one of the most difficult aspects is saying goodbye!"

"You've always done a fantastic job here at the company. Your efforts and contributions will always serve as a shining example for others. Farewell!"

"We'd want to express our gratitude for assisting us in achieving our goals and improving our organization. Goodbye, and may prosperity accompany you wherever you go!"

"You have made a personal contribution to this firm and motivated others to do the same. This company will remember you as an excellent employee for a long time!"

"You've always been a lot of fun to hang around with. Thank you for sticking with us through the ups and downs. Goodbye and best wishes!"

"During my professional career, I have never met someone as clever and astute as you. You were a pleasure to work with and provided us with a wealth of memories to revisit. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!"

"You were one of my greatest coworkers, and I appreciate your being there for me during those stressful days. It's been a delight!

"I'll think of you and miss you. Thank you for all of the wonderful moments we had together!"

Related: Professional voicemail messages

Text messages to a coworker who is leaving a job

Text messages to send to a coworker who has a bright future ahead at a new job:

"I'd want to congratulate you on your new position. Wishing you the best of luck."

"Congratulations on an excellent work! I'm confident that you'll excel in your future position since you're a fantastic employee! Best wishes!

"Over the years, I've learnt a lot from working with you. Best wishes for the future and heartfelt congrats!"

"It was a privilege to work with a coworker that was dedicated to their own success as well as the success of their coworkers. "You are deserving of nothing less than the finest!"

"We shall think of you fondly and remember you fondly. Wishing you the best of luck in the future."

"We wish you all the best in the next phase of your career."

"We're delighted to have you on board, and we appreciate your contributions to the firm. May your new job bring you a lot of joy and contentment."

"Your new team is fortunate to have you. I wish you the best of luck in your new position."

"Thank you for all of your help and support throughout the years. These are memories I'll cherish for the rest of my life. I'm looking forward to keeping in touch with you in the future. "Goodbye, pal!"

"I'm extremely thrilled for you to have this new chance! It's incredible how quickly time passes. Please stay in touch and tell me more about your new position."

"Thank you for preparing me to take over your new post and for training me. I'll do my best to maintain the work ethic you brought to this position. I appreciate you encouraging me to be my best employee."

"You will always be my friend till the end, no matter where you work. Best of luck in your new position. I'm confident you'll succeed."

"It was a pleasure to study under your tutelage. Your leadership abilities have aided me in becoming the person and employee I am today. I wish you the best of luck in your new role. Farewell."

"Your contributions to the team will be missed. Let's keep in touch in the future."

"Working with a colleague who has a fantastic sense of humor was a blast. I'm sure your new employees will feel the same way about you. Good luck."

"Thank you for all of your help and encouragement throughout your time with the company. Your presence will continue to influence me in the future. Best of luck!"

"I hope your time with your future workplace is as enjoyable as ours was." Thank you for everything and best of luck!"

"Your decision-making abilities has had a beneficial impact on me." I now feel confident in taking charge of the responsibilities that have been given to me. Your presence and leadership will be missed."

"Thank you for bringing your unwavering happiness to work with you every day. Your grin was infectious, and I'll attempt to keep it in future encounters. Best wishes on your new trip."

"I like how I can always count on you to chat to me about anything. You've been the finest friend and colleague I've ever had the pleasure of working with, and I want to remain in contact in the future."

"Although we were not able to collaborate as closely as I would have liked, I would like to be in touch with you as your career progresses."

"Great leaders make a difference every time." You made an impact here, and you'll do much better at your next employer. Best wishes, dear buddy!"

Related: Retirement message to coworker

Retirement farewell messages

When you're retiring, here are some suggestions of how to say goodbye to your coworkers:

retirement message to coworker

"To me, you're like family." Thank you for all your efforts in making this a fantastic place to work."

"This has been my second home for the past 18 years." I'll always treasure the memories I've created here. Thank you for such a lovely send-off!"

"As hard as it is to say goodbye, I am looking forward to spending more time with my family." Who knows, maybe they'll become tired of me and want me to return to work! But, in all seriousness, I'll miss seeing all of your happy smiles. "Remain in contact!"

"My life is going to change dramatically, and I'm sure it will be a challenging transition." But that's only because you've made working in this office a pleasure every day. This isn't the last time I'll contact you!"

"We may not have been working to cure infectious disease, but I'm proud of the work I've done here with you. This firm has a positive impact on people's lives. I'm looking forward to watching you continue your essential job."

"When you enjoy what you do every day, it doesn't seem like work." Thank you for making coming to work a pleasure for me for the past two decades."

"I never imagined that when I initially started working here as a young associate, this would be the location where I would retire." I never imagined this day would arrive, but I guess it's true what they say: time flies! Thank you for always treating me as though I were an essential member of the team."

"I owe this firm a huge debt of gratitude for providing me with so many opportunity to develop professionally and personally."

"I shall miss this area, but I will always remember this period fondly."

"As much as I'm excited for this new chapter, I'm going to miss all of you." I'll miss our lively team meetings, potluck meals, and those monthly fire drills, which I was fortunate enough to never have to use. But truly, I appreciate all of the things that each of you has given me. I'll miss our conversations, but don't forget that I'm only a phone call away!"

"Even though I'm leaving the firm, I'm taking your relationship with me." If you'd want to keep in touch with me as well, you can find me on any social media platform, or you may phone or text me at any time."

"It was a pleasure working with everyone of you—you have left an indelible impression on me, one that has affected me in so many ways. I'll miss you all terribly!"

retirement message to coworker

Funny farewell messages

Funny farewell messages to send:

"I'm going to miss that person farting next to me every day. Just kidding. You are a wonderful person and I look forward to hearing about all the success you bring to the next company you're part of."

"Hey, I heard you are retiring. Just kidding. I look forward to hearing about all your future endeavors over coffee in the coming weeks."

"Congratulations on retiring at your new company. Just kidding. I look forward to seeing what you can bring to the table at the new job and I hope to hear from you soon."

"It was a pleasure working with you. If by pleasure, we mean torture. Only kidding! It was wonderful to see all of the success that you brought to the team. I know there is a great future ahead."

"You were a great employee, if great employee means that the person is always late. Just kidding. You are a prime example of a wonderful colleague and I will miss you."

"Hey, I know you don't have great decision making skills, but what the heck! Why did you have to choose someone else over else? Isn't this a fun place to work? Just kidding. All the best wishes into the future. Farewell friend."

Farewell messages to coworkers who are leaving the company

Here are some suggestions of ways to bid a retiring coworker farewell:

"It's never easy to say goodbye to a long-time friend and employee. You will be sorely missed, and I wish you the best of luck in your retirement."

"I'll miss our laid-back Fridays and hangouts at the water cooler. Your sense of humor brightened my days every time. Best regards!"

"This isn't a farewell. It's a goodbye for now. Thank you once more for everything, and please find my contact details below. Best of luck!"

"You were the team's beating heart. Wishing you a pleasant and healthy retirement."

"The office will always be here, even after you retire. Please feel free to drop by at any time!"

"Working with you has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my professional life. Wishing you all the best in your retirement."

"Thank you very much for all of your help throughout the years. It will be difficult to step into your shoes in this situation. "I'm going to miss you!" says the narrator.

"Look for yourself. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do in the next phase of your life. Remain in contact!"

"I can't believe you're going, but this is such an exciting moment for you. I wish you the best of luck in your retirement!"

"We appreciate your many years of dedication to our organization. It won't be the same without you, but we'll do all we can to ensure that the effort you've put into this place is continued. Goodbye, pal!"

"Working with you has been a great pleasure. Thank you for helping to make this an enjoyable place to work. I look forward to seeing you again soon."

"I'm going to miss seeing your face on a daily basis. Wishing you the best of luck in your retirement, and I hope to see you soon!"

"It's been a pleasure to collaborate with you. Thank you for guiding our team through all of our highs and lows. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors!"

"You've worked hard for your retirement, but it doesn't make saying goodbye any easier. Please pay us a visit some time!"

"In my whole career, I have never encountered somebody with a stronger work ethic. Best wishes for a happy retirement, and here's to some well-earned rest!"

"I consider myself fortunate to have had you as a mentor and even more fortunate to call you a friend. It's been a joy to collaborate with you!"

"Wishing you a happy and healthy retirement!"

"No one is more deserving of retirement than you. Congratulations!"

"While your presence in the office will be missed, the excellent job you accomplished here assures that you will not be forgotten." Thank you for your dedication as a professional, a helpful coworker, and, most importantly, a dear friend. Now go ahead and unwind!"

"While I've only had the opportunity to work with you for a short time, it's evident that your commitment to our cause has had a significant beneficial influence." I wish you all the best in your retirement. Enjoy! You've earned it."

retirement message to coworker

Goodbye message to coworkers when you leave

Here are some examples of exit statements you might use while quitting your company:

"You have had a significant impact on my work life. Your work ethic motivates me to strive for excellence every day. I want to stay in touch, and please let me know if you need anything!"

"I value the chance to advance my career and contribute to the team that I was given here." "I'll miss the team's support during my time at [business], and I'll never forget the experiences I had working here! All of you will be missed. Best of luck!"

"It's time for me to start on my new journey, as much as I've cherished my time with the organization. I've provided my contact information below, and I hope to hear from you again in the future."

"I'm ready to go on to the next phase of my career, but I want to express my gratitude to you all for providing me with the skills and bravery to be the best I can be. Farewell!"

"I appreciate the guidance I've received from you. It has aided my skill development and growth in a variety of ways. I'll keep in touch with you to let you know how things are going at my new employment."

"Thank you for being a fantastic teammate and coworker. You've been instrumental in the team's success, and I'm confident you'll go far in your career."

"Since I've been on this team, you've been an excellent instructor. I hope you continue to teach your staff in the same manner that you did with me. You're fantastic, and I'll make every effort to keep in touch."

"You're a rising star inside this organization, and I believe you'll be successful in anything you do. Good luck!"

"Congratulations on a job well done! Working with you is something I'll miss. Remain in contact!"

"Thank you for being such a wonderful coworker! Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!"

"Every day was a blast working with you!" I hope our friendship lasts for a long time!"

"Sitting next to you for the past few years has allowed me to learn a lot about you. I know you're destined for greatness. I look forward to remaining connected and hearing updates on your professional path till we meet again! I wish you the best of luck!"

"I appreciate you being a dependable employee. You're one of the most hardworking people I've ever met. Please feel free to visit my new workplace!"

"During my time here, you've been a fantastic mentor. I'll be sure to contact you if I have any more questions, and I appreciate all you've taught me!"

"Your joint efforts have been critical to my professional success. I'm hoping to bring some of those skills to my next job. Good luck!"

"I'll miss our relationships with clients and how we worked together to reach our goals. I've learnt a lot from you, and I'll keep in touch in the future."

"You're one of the funniest employees I've ever worked with. Your witty sense of humor brightened my day!"

"I'll miss our shared lunch breaks, which helped us decompress. I'll make every effort to keep up with you and your progress throughout your career."

"Don't lose sight of your honesty. It's your most valuable asset. Wishing you the best of luck in your future undertakings."

retirement message to coworker

Farewell email to coworkers (how to write a goodbye email to coworkers)

Here's how to write a farewell email to coworkers:

  • Write individual emails. Don't send a group email. Instead, write individual emails to your coworkers that matter.
  • Write something personal. Use a personal message along with your farewell note.
  • Use the proper subject line. Pick a subject line that's going to inform them about your new adventure ahead.
  • Include your personal contact information. Include your personal email address, your LinkedIn profile, and other pertinent information.


Subject line: It was great to work with you

Hey Joe —

It was great working with you. I wanted to say that it was an absolute pleasure to be on your team. All the good memories that I could share are bountiful. I wanted to send you a note and bid farewell. I appreciate all of the success that you brought to our team. And myself.

You were a wonderful colleague and person to work with.

I hope my new team brings the same enthusiasm that you brought to the table on a regular basis.

Good luck in the future. My personal contact information is below.

Thanks so much Joe,


How to write a farewell message and how to say goodbye to a coworker

Here's how to write a farewell message:

  • Think of something positive to say. Consider the exciting opportunity the other person is going to embark on. Pick a message that is tailored to your experience with them.
  • Write a farewell letter. Whether a letter or an email. Write something personal and include a message that wishes them the best in their next chapter.
  • Keep in contact. Make sure to include your personal contact information.

Related messages

  • Farewell Messages to Coworkers
  • Farewell Messages to a Boss
  • Goodbye Email to Coworkers
  • Voicemail Messages
  • Welcome Message to New Employee
  • Out of Office Message
  • Congratulations on Your New Job
  • Retirement Message to Coworker

Favorite Resources

Our favorite resources are included below.

Job interview resources

  • Common Interview Questions by Marquette University
  • Prepare for Behavioral Interview Questions by Marquette University
  • Preparing for Job Interviews by the University of Kansas
  • Mock Interview Handbook by CSUCI
  • Interview Guidebook by Lebanon Valley College

Resume and cover letter resources

  • Writing a Resume and Cover Letter by USC
  • Resume Writing Tips by the University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Resume and Cover Letter Guide by Harvard University

Job search resources

  • Building and Engaging Your Network by UC Berkeley
  • Career Ready Assessment by UC Berkeley

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Interview Question and Answer Guide (PDF)

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